Main author

This page is about the main author, James Higham.

avatar highamEnglish, Northumbrian, Australian, half Russian, in love with France and Sicily, with friends in the States, Canada and South Africa.

Settled back in the UK.

Background was often in education but also a former storeman, DJ, builder, screenprinter, gardener, shop assistant, thespian, stage manager, military and various other ventures.

Loves sailing, rugby, cricket, a wide range of music, walks in the forest, the snow and rain, enjoys good company, a single malt [neat], Drambuie, a nice red or real ale with a decent steak or vodka with dried fish and gherkins.

Main addictions – sailing, wimmin and dark chocolate, in no particular order.

In brief

Official Blogger Profile
Others say about JH
Some awards



Sites of possible interest

Blogrolls & reference
Orphans of Liberty

Nourishing Obscurity, the main site
Nourishing Obscurity on Blogger, the original site
Nourishing Obscurity on WordPressdotcom, the alternative version of NO

Old Albion Alliance
New Albion Alliance

Half-autobiographical trilogy [finished]
Novella [being written now]
Short stories [some finished]


Basically a classical liberal.

Main beef is with a loosely termed Them – the oligarchs, banksters, revisionists, global socialists, feminazis – all those who simply can’t leave well enough alone and can’t let us get on with our own lives the way we choose. Those who appoint themselves over us. They are our servants, not our masters.

Spiritual side

I’m a private Christian, detesting fundamentalist bigotry and anything else which brings Christianity into disrepute. It’s not a theme at this blog but I will burst into print when rubbish is spoken or written about the original Christian message, just as I would if anything else were misrepresented.