8 thoughts on “Reader drops [681]

  1. in yer ear


    Some interesting connections here. John Major, Teflon Tony, the London Electricity Board, Egg-wina Currie, Jimmy So-vile, “men-are-pigs” agenda and a few other things. 🤔

    Click to access ball.pdf

    {JM’s fast-tracked rise to prominence reminds me of Justin Welby’s. Juss sayin’}

  2. in yer ear


    “EXCLUSIVEHow conservatives could make it very hard for Democrats to replace Biden on the 2024 ballot if he has a disastrous debate or steps aside

    An influential Republican group is already prepping for a counter-fight should Democrats try to pull Joe Biden off the top of the ticket. 

    ‘Due to the rapid decline of President Biden, as seen by his bizarre episode at the G-7, The Oversight Project is taking the unprecedented step to release this draft,’ said Mike Howell, Executive Director of The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, in a statement.

    ‘We are monitoring the calls from across the country for President Biden to step aside, either now or before the election, and have concluded that the process for substitution and withdrawal is very complicated. We will remain vigilant that appropriate election integrity procedures are followed.’

    If Joe Biden were to withdraw at any point before the Democratic National Convention, it would be up to the delegates at the DNC to pick a new nominee. But from there, they can expect legal challenges from Republicans looking to prevent any other Democratic nominee from getting on the ballot in certain states. …”


  3. in yer ear


    “Everyone who tries to convince you that they just figured out Joe Biden was incapacitated last night is lying. Everyone from Rachel Maddow to your morning barista. All of them.

    They also knew it in 2020 when they pretended to believe Joe Biden received 81 million real, lawful, American votes. They lied then too.

    This includes the Uniparty Right media who’ve spent nearly four years pretending Joe was a real, legitimate President.

    Do not let them talk about replacing Biden until they admit he was never elected in the first place.

    Letting them talk about Gavin or Mike or Hillary is letting them change the subject.

    “Hunter knew that Joe had dementia and urged him to run for pResident anyway. Hunter’s former psychiatrist—who had postulated in 2012 that Joe had dementia after Joe’s vice-presidential debate performance—brought up his mental condition in two separate iMessages.

    Hunter wanted to bring on Joe as “our first guest” to a podcast the two were planning, but his partner asked: “Does he recall details though], with the dementia and all?” Hunter responded: “Not much these days but since it’s all fake news anyway I don’t see the problem.”

    p555 of the Report on the Biden Laptop by Marco Polo”


    Here’s the link to the relevant page although it says 559 the graphic is actually page 555.


  4. in yer ear


    In a massive victory for J6 political prisoners and an unprecedented defeat for the corrupt Biden/Garland/Monaco/Graves DOJ, SCOTUS has overturned the DOJ’s use of 1512(c)(2), obstruction of an official proceeding, in J6 cases. THIS MEANS THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE HAS UNLAWFULLY PROSECUTED 350+ AMERICANS FOR THEIR PARTICIPATION IN JANUARY 6–A FLAGRANT ABUSE OF THE LAW TO PUNISH THOSE WHO PROTESTED BIDEN’S ELECTION AND TO CRIMINALIZE POLITICAL DISSENT.


    {We already knew it was unlawful. Good that SCOTUS agreed with us! 😉 }

  5. in yer ear


    Some good points well made by Mathis in this v short paper.

    Click to access vaud.pdf

    “We Are Already Living In The Matrix”


    Five days ago the Supreme Court ruled that criminal convictions must be unanimous, overruling two
    states, Louisiana and Oregon, which allowed convictions on divided votes.

    As it says at NBC
    “By a 6-3 vote, the court said the Sixth Amendment right to a jury trial requires unanimous
    verdicts. The majority opinion by Justice Neil Gorsuch traced the requirement back to
    English common law. He said the nation’s founders believed verdicts must be unanimous
    and noted that the Supreme Court recognized the requirement as early as 1898.”

    Well, if the Supreme Court already ruled on this in 1898, why are they having to rule on it again in
    2024? In a rational universe, the Justice Department would have just sent Louisiana and Oregon a note
    back when their legislatures first tried to allow divided jury votes, reminding them of the 1898 ruling,
    saying this is unConstitutional and therefore will not be allowed. It is beyond belief this would even be
    coming up 250 years after founding this nation and 800 years after being set in stone in England.

    In any case, this newer ruling automatically overturns the convictions of many people in those states
    convicted with divided juries. In other words, those people don’t have to refile anything. The Supreme
    Court just voided their convictions, even the ones that weren’t party to this suit. That is how Supreme
    Court rulings have always worked and still work. The decision is not just for those who filed the
    lawsuit, the decision strikes down a law, and the loss of that law automatically voids a certain class of
    similar events, in all states.

    [Hours later: But what is weird is that the Court ruled on pretty much the same thing in 2020. In fact,
    the case I quote above from NBC is from 2020, and this newer case is Erlinger v. US, which hit the
    same topics last week, again quoting the 5th and 6th amendments. They are being mixed up online and
    you can see why. So again, why does the Supreme Court need to rule on the same topic every two
    years, while admitting it was already decided in 1898 or before?]

    But what is weirder is that no one in the mainstream is applying this to the Trump conviction that allegedly made him a felon…..”

    Rest of it at the link.

  6. jameshigham Post author


    Evets on Friday

    a. White House Press Corps Forced to Watch Feed of CNN Debate From Building Across the Street Because They Believe There May Be a “Medical Emergency” Involving One of the Candidates Requiring On-Scene Coverage | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/whoa-white-house-press-corps-forced-watch-feed/

    b. What Are They Hiding? No Photos, Videos or Sightings of Biden During Week of Debate Prep at Camp David | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/what-are-they-hiding-no-photos-videos-sightings/

    c. Instagram ‘Accidentally’ Changed All Users’ Settings to Limit Political Content Ahead of Thursday’s Debate | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/instagram-accidentally-changed-all-users-settings-limit-political/

    d. CNN Demonstrates How They’ll Mute Trump’s Microphone During Debate | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/watch-cnn-demonstrates-how-theyll-mute-trumps-microphone/

    e. Swing State Voters Trust Trump More Than Biden to Protect Democracy | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/poll-swing-state-voters-trust-trump-more-than/

    f. DNC Funnels Millions to Law Firms Involved in Unprecedented Lawfare Against Trump, FEC Records Reveal | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/dnc-funnels-millions-law-firms-involved-unprecedented-lawfare/

    g. “It Needs to Get Out As Soon As Possible” – New FOIA Emails Reveal CIA Panicking as They Rushed Approval of Hunter Laptop Letter | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/it-needs-get-as-soon-as-possible-new/

    h. Your Must-Read of the Day: Liz Harrington on ‘How Georgia Was Stolen’ | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/your-must-read-day-liz-harrington-how-georgia/

    i. Dominion CEO Is Served in Manhattan in Tina Peter’s Lawsuit | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/breaking-dominion-ceo-is-served-manhattan-tina-peters/

    j. Turkish Illegal Alien Arrested For Kidnapping and Raping 15-Year-Old Girl Entered US on Biden’s Open Border Invitation in 2023 | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/turkish-illegal-alien-arrested-kidnapping-raping-15-year/

    k. Trump-aligned Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Facing Persecution By Vatican For Upholding Truth In The Face Of Great Confusion Under The Pontificate Of Francis | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/trump-aligned-archbishop-carlo-maria-vigano-facing-persecution/

    l. Biden Regime To Allow American Private Military Contractors To Deploy to Ukraine | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/endless-escalation-biden-regime-allow-american-private-military/

    m. Happy Pride Month: Mother with Family Says She Was Kicked Off United Flight in San Francisco for Misgendering Flight Attendant With Wrong Pronouns (Video) | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/happy-pride-month-mother-family-says-she-was/

    n. Tucker Carlson Savagely Dismantles ‘Dumb’ and ‘Stupid’ Far-Left Reporter at Australian Freedom Conference | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/must-watch-tucker-carlson-savagely-dismantles-dumb-stupid/

  7. jameshigham Post author


    Evets on Thursday

    a. Big News for Steve Bannon! — Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group Votes that J6 Committee Was Illegitimate — House to File Amicus Brief with Supreme Court (Video) | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/breaking-big-news-steve-bannon-bipartisan-legal-advisory/

    b. Steve Bannon’s Sentencing Is Election Interference Of The Highest Order | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/steve-bannons-sentencing-is-election-interference-highest-order/

    c. Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos Recall Wins! Recall Election Expected on August 6 After WEC Meets on Thursday | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/just-wisconsin-assembly-speaker-robin-vos-recall-wins/

    d. Rep. Lauren Boebert Wins Packed Primary After Switching Districts | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/breaking-rep-lauren-boebert-wins-packed-primary-after/

    e. Jack Smith’s Latest Trick – Attempts to Sway Court with New Photos Alleging Trump Stored Classified Documents in a “Haphazard Manner” at His Mar-a-Lago Mansion | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/jack-smiths-team-attempts-sway-public-new-photos/

    f. Turned Off Security Cameras During Mar-a-Lago Raid – Legal Experts Weigh In | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/just-fbi-turned-security-cameras-during-mar-lago/

    g. Evidence Proves Both the FBI and CIA Were Deeply Involved in the Historic 2020 Election Lie that Hunter Biden’s Laptop Was Russian Propaganda | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/confirmed-evidence-proves-both-fbi-cia-were-intimately/

    h. Rep Anna Paulina Luna Lowers The Boom on Merrick Garland — Warns He Has Until Friday Morning To Turn Over Tapes Or Be Taken Into Custody | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/just-rep-anna-paulina-luna-lowers-boom-merrick/

    i. Biden Camp Officially Refuses to Drug Test Joe Biden | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/here-it-is-biden-camp-officially-refuses-drug/

    j. CNN Contacts Social Media Companies to Censor Conservative Media During Live Presidential Debate (Video) | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/tim-pool-cnn-contacts-social-media-companies-censor/

    k. Watch Young Voters Explain Why They’re Walking Away From Joe Biden and the Democrats (Video) | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/watch-young-voters-explain-why-theyre-walking-away/

    l. Biden Campaign Forfeits State (Florida) to Trump, Admits President Has No Chance to Win It as Democrats’ Election Chances Spiral | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/biden-campaign-forfeits-state-trump-admits-president-no/

    m. Who Added an Algorithm to New York State’s Voter Registration Roll, and Why? | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/who-added-algorithm-new-york-states-voter-registration/

    n. Almost a Year After Disastrous Fire, Residents of Lahaina in Hawaii Are Still Fighting for Chance to Rebuild (Video) | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/almost-year-after-disastrous-fire-residents-lahaina-hawaii/

    o. SpaceX May Have to Rescue NASA Astronauts Stranded in the International Space Station Due to Boeing Starliner’s Multiple Helium Leaks: Report | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/spacex-may-have-rescue-nasa-astronauts-stranded-international/

    p. Increasingly Unpopular Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Suffers Shocking Defeat as ‘Fortress Toronto’ Votes for a Conservative MP for the First Time in 31 Years | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/increasingly-unpopular-canadian-pm-justin-trudeau-suffers-shocking/


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