35 thoughts on “Admin page [22] for readers

  1. Distant Relative

    1. Distant Relative

  2. Distant Relative

  3. Distant Relative

    Howling at the moon edition

  4. Distant Relative

    Resistance news – both sides of the ditch – Saturday edition 🙂


    1. Distant Relative

  5. Distant Relative

  6. Distant Relative

    Interesting numbers here:

    1. Distant Relative

      Oops. This is the tweet with interesting numbers (I hope)

  7. torquaymada

    There’s something developing on Telegram under the handle “OfficialMcAfee”

    Can’t put my finger on it but it feels vaguely authentic.

  8. Distant Relative

    Now Micron is trying to remove voting rights of the unvaxxed.

  9. Distant Relative

    Tweeter-sphere World Wide edition 🙂


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