Category Archives: Chuckles

Bill Krauser

0072286854501_300X300… and the birth of modern computing:

Ethernet at the time was very kludgy. It was this big, thick cable that at the time you had to screw a tap into, and then you had another cable that connected to a card that you connected to your computer. The biggest drawback was that and it was about $3,000. Who is going to spend $3,000 to connect a $3,000 computer? How is that to going to work? We knew we needed to get on to a VLSI circuit, a highly dense semi-conductor to quickly bring the cost down, and that was what we ultimately did. So that was one part.

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Bletchley – when those who come after have none of the wartime spirit


This via Chuckles. The headline had it:

Elderly Bletchley Park volunteer sacked for showing Colossus exhibit to visitors


Now the ongoing war between Bletchley Park and the National Museum of Computing has claimed its first casualties. Tony Carroll, an elderly volunteer at Bletchley Park, was fired after daring to …

There are people out there who understand this far more than I and they might even have been to the exhibition. Comments, usually throws more light on things but in this case, confuses them more in my mind: Continue reading